Feeling Good

4 Ways to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder

When someone says “I have SAD,” they aren’t just using grammatically incorrect terms for their feelings. Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly referred to as SAD,...

Do You Strive for 10,000 Steps Per Day? You May Be Overdoing It

If you think that you should strive for 10,000 steps per day, you have fallen victim to a very effective marketing strategy, according to...

Is a Change in Diet the Key to Combating IBD?

The human gut is chock-full of bacteria, but that is no reason to worry. A balance of good and bad organisms in the body...

Napping is a Heart-Healthy Habit You’ll Love

Let’s face it; many healthy habits aren’t that enjoyable. Eating more kale, going for an early morning jog and saying “no” to donuts at...

GERD Symptoms Not Improving? You Might Have LPR

You’ve been gasping for breath, battling a cough that gets worse at night time -- in fact, sometimes you even wake up choking. Or...

How Your Attitude Affects Your Lifespan

Your attitude affects your happiness, your relationships and even your chances for a promotion, but can it affect your lifespan? New research says it...

From Phone Call to Brain Cancer: How One Scientist Unnecessarily Terrified Everyone

The belief that cell phones cause brain cancer has permeated our society for nearly two decades. This deeply held belief is responsible for the...

Protect Yourself Against These 15 Illnesses Spread Through Bug Bites

Most bugs are harmless, but the small few that carry diseases can pose serious threats to even the healthiest of people. In some cases,...

Secondhand Drinking Injures Millions Each Year

Most people have heard of secondhand smoke and are familiar with its deadly effects. But what about secondhand drinking? The truth is, secondhand drinking...

This Bacteria May Prevent and Reverse Common Food Allergies

An estimated 32 million adults and children in America are living with food allergies. Exposure to an allergen can result in hives, itching and...

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