Safer Living

How to Actually Use Hand Sanitizer Correctly

(HealthyAccess)- Hand sanitizer seems like one of the easiest and most convenient things a person can use to stay healthy. It’s just a matter...

7 Tips for Preventing Mental Fatigue

(HealthyAccess)- Spacing out, forgetting what we’re doing, and losing our train of thought are all signs of mental fatigue. The stress of juggling multiple...

How To Safely Wash Produce At Home

(HealthyAccess)- Many of us know that chemicals are often sprayed on the fruits and vegetables we purchase. Additionally, there’s no telling how many people...

Creating a Healthier Relationship with Social Media

(HealthyAccess)- In today’s world, it can be easy to get sucked into the social media vortex. Scrolling through updates can consume hours of our...

How To Safely Visit Your Doctor During A Pandemic

(HealthyAccess)- Going to the doctor when a global pandemic is going on may seem risky, but it’s important that we still manage our healthcare....

Living In A Loud World: How to Protect Your Hearing

(HealthyAccess)- Hearing damage doesn’t just happen to teenagers who go to loud concerts and stand too close to the speakers. Nor does it only...

6 Dangerous Food-Drug Interactions You Need To Watch Out For

(HealthyAccess)- When we think of drug interactions, we may typically think of the potential side effects of mixing prescription drugs with over-the-counter medications or...

5 Tips for Choosing a Safer OTC Pain Med

(HealthyAccess)- Over-the-counter pain relievers are common in most of our homes. In fact, we likely have a preferred brand that we take when we’re...

Is Your BFF Actually A Narcissist?

(HealthyAccess)- Best friends are the icing on the cake of life. They give us that one person we trust completely, who knows everything about...

5 Signs You’re a Victim of Gaslighting

(HealthyAccess)- The term “gaslighting” has risen in popularity recently, but it’s anything but new. It’s based on a 1940 suspense film called Gaslight where...

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